Silver Chrisitan Rings
>> Thursday, December 24, 2009
Silver Christian rings are very popular year round and at no time is this more true than in the gift giving time around Christmas day. As families get together to celebrate the birth of Jesus gift giving has become part of the tradition for countless families for generations. Inspired be the original three old wise men of yesteryear that brought gifts of gold, mur, and frankincense to celebrate the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary in the little town of Bethlehem.
Jewelry, traditionally thought of as a gift only for women, has becoming increasing popular with men. Men have always worn wedding rings to symbolize their life long marriage vows and now in the twenty-first century when the term metro-sexual is part of the common vernacular it is not uncommon to see men of all persuasions wearing christian necklaces or cross rings to show the world their faith. For these reasons rings have become a much more common gift for men than in generations past.
While rings are almost always made to be worn comfortably on the ring finger many people prefer to put them around chains and wear them around their neck in what is often called wearing a necklace ring or a ring on a necklace. For many people this is a way to better show off the ring they are proud of wearing. A piece of jewelry can often have very sentimental or person feelings attached to it that go way beyond simply being a piece of metal.
Wearing the same ring daily can be the one item that people (men and women) wear daily. Perhaps the only other example of a style that is constantly worn regardless of the complimenting wardrobe is a hair style. For these reasons people often indulge when it comes to spending money on silver rings (or hairstyles for that matter). Many concerned and thrifty shoppers think about the price per use. Buying a $200 dress that will be worn once has a cost per use price of $200. Buying a $200 pair of jeans that will be worn one hundred times has a cost per use price of only $2 per use. Numerous other examples are abundant. Shoes are a classic example. A $100 pair of shoes may be worn five hundred times. Breaking it down and doing the math the numbers work out to just twenty cents per wear or use. When comparing twenty cents per wear to one hundred dollars per wear/use (with the aforementioned dress) it's easy to see why smart shoppers don't just look at price tags, they think about how much use or utility can be had from the product.
The great thing about jewelry whether it is silver christian rings or gold christian necklaces is that these keepsakes don't depreciate in value and literally can last multiple lifetimes. It is very common for people to pass Christian jewelry down from generation to generation. Expensive pieces may even be accounted for in wills whereas more common but perhaps equally meaningful pieces are simply passed down by hand with love. There are numerous ring styles that are passed on through lineage. Some very old classic pieces are passed along as treasures while other items like spoon rings may very well begin a brand new tradition that will carry on a legacy and set of ideals that could be passed along from mother to daughter for centuries.
Deciding on a ring or picking the right Christian necklace can be difficult. The difficulty largely lies in the fact that there are so many excellent choices out there that it is very hard to pick a definitive favorite. Having too many great choices is a good problem to have and one that most of should wish we had to deal with more often. When making a decision on what to buy for a loved one consider the whole gambit of choices from a cross ring to any number of Christian fish jewelry items. The two most important factors to keep in mind are what the person you are buying for likes and what they don't have. While common sense will dictate that what they have and what they like should be the same thing this is not always the case. Tastes and preferences change over time. In addition the previously unattainable item may be on someone's wish list and this may be why it's not yet in their possession. Regardless of what item you decide on whether it is silver Christian rings or just a run of the mill Christian necklace keep in mind that it's the thought that counts.
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